Views from around the universe
War, every
war = utter stupidity
war = a failure of any and all societies. No thinking person would stir up war. No healthy society would go along with it.
war = a decision born out of madness and delusion justified by destructive ideals usually stoked by insufferable superiority complexes on one side even often easily matched by the superiority complex of the attacker.
war = is always failure and weakness.
war = There is no excuse for a war.
war = the fantasy of bringing order to a chaotic world.
war = the lack of courage to learn to navigate chaos.
war = the lack of imagination.
war = the fruit of fanaticism.
war = useless waste of human lives, minds, potentials
war = the result of an inferiority complex
war = crippling humans and families with the trauma of war.
war = We keep wondering how humans find the time to go to war. They are still struggling with a global pandemic, their ecosystems, and with that the basis of human survival, are collapsing worldwide, and yet some people seem to think that this is a good time to go to war?
war = is an illusion which proclaims that only the attacked will suffer.
War, after a
Views from around the universe
after a war = trauma
after a war = exhaustion
after a war = misery
after a war = loss
Views from around the universe
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© Charlie Alice Raya, Views from around the universe, 2022