black and white photo of clouds, plus the title: the end of all wars, in white

planet 53

Charlie Alice Raya, incomplete
16/17/18/19 September 2024

Without trust we are lost

Without trust we ere

Without trust we lash out

Without trust we destroy

Without trust we die

These are the famous words inscribed on a gravestone
of an unknown person.

A hurting soul rediscovered them, soaking them up
as if they were
a call
to the inevitable.

But as the words wandered through the hurting souls mind, a question slowly took shape.

What if?

What if we trusted?

Would we be found?

Would we find
our footing?

Would we know
not to
lash out

Would we build?

Would we live?

As these questions grew in strength, the soul saw something else.

Not hope.

It was too early for hope.


was it defiance?

was it determination?

was it anger?

It was something that made the soul unfold itself, eyes narrowed, lips pressed together firmly,
but the chest was open,
maybe the chest was

If trust was what it took to-

to everything.

Then this soul would find out what it took to trust.

It was clear that it had to be more than a word
more than a thought
more than a wish.

It needed to be something real

something that could be trusted.

This is the story of a soul who set out to explore what it would take a human to trust.

Still sore, the soul stepped on the track
across the mountains.

What is trust?
The soul asked.

But there was no answer
just a vague sensation of
and certainty.

The certainty to be safe
in someone else’s company.

But then
what does it meant to trust?
The soul asked
as it wandered on.

But no answer wanted to appear.

It’s impossible!
The soul cried out.

I cannot make myself
to be safe
in someone else’s company.
This kind of safety
is not mine to give.
Unless I wander the worlds as a soul apart from souls
wrapping myself securely in my own soul.

But if I do.
I am still lost
because I have no trust
in others.

But trust I need
to live.

What does it mean to trust?
The soul cried out
to the dark clouds.

What does it mean?

Hurting badly again
the soul slumped down on the ground.

What does it mean?

And it began to rain.

A million drops
falling and rolling
blown by the winds
lashing and trashing


It can’t be done!

Except, it can

if we are not like rain.

Rain is not its own master.
The wind pushes it here,
The wind slashes it there.

But we don’t have to be like rain.

Trust is not some magical thing. Trust is not something to trust. Trust does not happen. Trust does not exist.


unless we make it happen

there are people
who decide
to become worthy of trust.

That’s why the brother killed the brother.

Neither became worthy of trust.

Because if the killed brother had been worthy of his murdering brother’s trust,
why would the murderer have slain his own blood?

What is a god or thousands
to two souls who are worthy of trust
and safe in each other’s souls?

The soul felt a small smile form on their face.

A gentle smile
not a triumph, yet.
But something.

Trust is not a magical thing.
It needs
like any creature
well defined features
so that a human can decide
that yes,
this is what I will be
a person that is trustworthy.

The soul
narrowed their eyes
and suddenly smiled.

This is how to trust.
It is a decision
a codex
a way
that allows two people
when they meet
to recognise
that trust will not be in vain.

The soul frowned.

Building trust.
Maybe that would still be needed.
The patient reassurance that yes: You are safe.
The patiently repeated words: I have you. You will not fall, not crash, not fail.

Trust might be a fragile creature.
One that needs to be reassured
maybe even nurtured,
the soul thought and reached a town.

This is also the story of us who had hurt so many, who had been hurt by more

who had no reason to trust.

But we were lost

and we knew it.

We were lost

and with us everything that was still dear to us.
Little enough.

And our planet suffered
spat fire

We were lost
and so we decided to learn to trust.

Not that we believed. We were far too far gone for that. We were desperate and we were hurting.

We, too, wanted, needed to unfold.

This is the story of how we decided to live

and for that we were willing to find the keys

to find what it takes a person to be worthy of trust

to find out how a person can trust.

We were willing
to accept
that if we wanted to live

we needed trust
because we needed each other
to heal
to learn
to rebuild our world.

© Charlie Alice Raya, The end of all wars, planet fifty-three, We need trust, incomplete

work in progress

We saw how blind
we really are
how our world was
no less an invention
than that of those
we oppose.

work in progress

No trust required there.

No true gain either.

Just more

work in progress

I sigh.


I trust you not.

Fear of ourselves.

Fear of you,

and the other

and that, too.


How can I trust

when I listen to you?