Most planets regard planet Earth as a fascinating study object, because the humans of that planet make so many mistakes, with devastating consequences, that the other planets watch them to learn from these mistakes.
Having come close to destroying our own planet due to our own mistakes and our own damaging narratives, we never felt entirely happy about how eagerly the people of some planets use Earth’s mistakes to avoid making mistakes themselves. And we were among the first to suggest that the situation on Earth is getting so critical that we should, at least, share some of our insights, in the hope that Earth’s inhabitants might find inspiration and incentives to search for ways out of their predicaments.

© Charlie Alice Raya, The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war

book cover for the end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war, Charlie Alice Raya, black and white photo of billowing clouds

planet one, the roots of war

Have you ever wondered what the people of other planets make of planet Earth?

You can find out now: The end of all wars is the first of a collection of testimonies about how the people of other planets managed to end all wars — and that for good.

e-book, 144 pages, 42k words
pdf file, optimised for mobile phone & tablet

planned publishing date: September 2024

Take a peek at the story

As the first book of the collection The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war, is about to be published, I am looking for locations in Berlin who would like to become part of the book release events.

For more information, click here >

‘The intriguing truth is that we actually enjoy acting together, be it building, creating, cooking, exercising, dancing — or preparing the most preposterous push for peace. War has the power to unite. But if we go to war, nothing is possible, all sides can only expect loss and suffering. If we come together, everything is possible.’

© Charlie Alice Raya, The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war

The end of all wars is a collection of stories, each featuring a planet in the universe and a testimony of how its people ended all wars.

The end of all wars is part of a bigger collection called Views from around the universe.

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Author’s notes on The end of all wars, planet one, the roots of war.

I thought the other day, what if something sees the title: the end of all wars and thinks it’s a joke?

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Everything begins with a thought. A thought might turn into an idea. An idea might be the first seed for a story. A story can inspire and open windows and doors.

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Let’s find out who wants war and who wants the end of all wars.

Click here and sign if you want the end of all wars.

I am a human, born on planet Earth in the year 1972, in the then divided city of Berlin.

I have one of those lives where nothing was ever normal, but there are signs that things finally come into balance.

Over decades I have grown into a fully fledged thinker, explorer, creator, visionary, author and photographer. Unfortunately, I did most of my fledging in reclusion. But after some challenges over the last eighteen month, I’m getting ready to share my findings, stories, inventions and ideas with the world.

While I love the universe collections, my main work are the easy town books. And interestingly there are a lot more overlaps between the easy town story and planet one, the roots of war, than I expected.

A good place to get an overview of all the things I’m up to will be my new website: Presently, it’s under construction, but it will steadily fill up over the next weeks and months.

  • the publication of the end of all wars, planet one, the roots of wars
  • offers for the production of audiobooks
  • offers of cooperation for theatres and film makers
  • offers for readings & discussions
  • offers for Make it happen stories sessions for writers, illustrators, theatre and film makers
  • a word on ripples publishing
  • book x, a collection of statements from the planets of the universe on all sort of topics which are related to war

the end of all wars, icon

Much is in planning for this website and the collection. If you’d like to contribute in any way, or if you have any questions, please, get in touch.

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